Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Nothing Runs Like A Deere"

I am so proud of Colin. He has proved over the weekend that, indeed, he is all boy!

It's tradition to take my kids out on the "toys" and show them the property for their first trips to my Grandfather's farm. I find it important for them to have the chance to connect to this beautiful place that I have fallen in love with over the years. With my Grandpa turning 90 next week and with his health declining, I know I've got to get it in while I can.

One of my Grandpa's favorite pass times out there is to sit atop the smaller John Deere tractor and use it as his personal golf cart all over the property. He acts like a small boy, eager to check every little spot of land over to make sure it's all running smoothly. Before his back surgery in July, he'd be on that thing for hours.

So you can imagine my delight when I discovered Colin's contentment on that thing. During a crying jag, I'd hop up in the seat and turn on the engine. From that moment on he'd quiet right down with his eyes wide open, taking in all the colorful blobs he could see. I'd ride him around in circles showing him the trees until his eyes would get heavy. The tractor is better than any bouncy seat or swing you could register for!
So, I've decided I need one here at my house.

I'm just glad those things have such a tight turning radius. The backyard isn't very big....

Friday, September 4, 2009

It's The Ups That Bring You Back From The Downs

Colin has been smiling at me all morning. Of course every time I try to capture this miracle I am seconds behind the wonder. As if that weren't the biggest highlight of my morning... he gave me a quick chuckle! It's the cutest thing I have ever heard come out of him (and I have heard plenty come out of him..)! It was wonderful. It makes all the crying jags sound like birds chirping on a bright summer morning. I can only hope that from this day forward they visit me more frequently. I love that sound already :)

And a fairy is born.