Monday, March 15, 2010

Throw Your Hands Up And SHOUT!

Have you ever had a moment where something so minuscule, yet so infinitely important all at the same time, took your breath away? Today, I did.

At 7 months and 21 days old, Colin said "Ma-ma". If you even knew what I've gone through in this amount of time you'd understand how much it made my heart melt. 

To be honest I haven't seen my son much lately. I've been in bed recooping from a Cholecystectomy from hell. I was finally starting to truly enjoy my son (after months of colic), and frankly, was really happy to be doing so. I have missed my kids so much these last two weeks and worried about losing some closeness with them. Hearing my little Nugget say my name has made the last two miserable weeks suddenly disappear.