Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy 10 Months Little Booger Fart!

(and remember.... we had a deal. You are to stay like this forever. 
And ever.)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Defying the "Little" in "Little Dude"

My precious little chunk-a-monk has decided to be a big boy this past week. Last Thursday he started crawling, Friday he popped his top front tooth and learned how to dance. Saturday he popped the one to the right of that. Sunday he popped the left front tooth. Today he fancies the crab walk.

It hit me like a ton of bricks this afternoon that he's almost 1. ONE! My last little baby is exploding into a big boy. My kids bleed Miracle Grow. If I only knew the secret to reverse that effect and keep them tiny. I love my son. I'm not looking forward to the day where Mommy is no longer "cool" to snuggle and hug. The thought literally takes my breath away.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Well Hello Blogspot, I Finally Got Somethin' For Ya

It occurred to me the other day that it's been a REALLY long time since I had blogged last. To be honest, I really haven't had anything major happen accompanied by photographic evidence for me to share with the world. Until tonight. Let me get you up to speed:

I LOVE to scrapbook. It's therapeutic relief, an adrenaline rush,  and major stress all at the same time. I love a little time alone letting out creativity in a positive outlet. I get a rush when I create something I'm happy with. I get frustrated, stressed out, and just down right pissed when a page doesn't go my way. But, I absolutely love it and don't get to do it often enough.

Except for this week. This week has been jammed packed with the hobby like you wouldn't believe. I was appointed a project for Kellan's school to make both her teacher and the teacher's aide scrapbooks to spotlight all the children enrolled for "Teacher Appreciation Week" gifts.. My front room looks like little elves threw papers and stickers and punchers and glue sticks EVERYWHERE. It's been a mess. And the whole time I've been working on it I've had a set of pretty little blue eyes watching me. 

So this afternoon I had to make my second trip to the scrap store to grab more supplies. Kellan found her niche in this store. She picked out a few supplies of her own to use at home. I set her up on my table and away she went. I can officially announce that Kellan has created her first scrapbook page. It's a huge honor for me. She genuinely did a beautiful job. I'd have her help me any day, and I plan to. Her page is now her title page in her special book.... (Uh, that's a BIG deal!)