Thursday, September 25, 2008

Not too much has gone on in these parts lately, but at the same time I feel so busy I forget to blink. Instead of having a great story or adventure, I thought I'd share some Kellan updates from this week...

Kellan's speech is finally moving right along. A few days ago Kellan said "Apple". Today she said "Elmo". It's more like "Elllllllllllmooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo". She also is finally saying something close to the word "Shrek" today too. If you didn't know, my daughter is OBSESSED with the Shrek triology these days. She hasn't perfected it, but it's getting close. It sounds like "Sh-Yeah". It's very similar to a quote in Wayne's World (with Mike Myers, 1993) where Mike's character says "Cha! And monkeys might fly out of my butt!". It's sounds so close it's scary. My kid is part surfer from the early 90's. On top of thinking that Keanu Reeves has just teleported into my daughter's playroom via his red telephone booth, her tone might hint that Kellan also has been addicted to nicotine for 45 years and suffers from emphasema.

Precious these moments are.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

"Friends are treasures."

There’s a miracle of friendship that
dwells within the heart
And you don’t know how it happens
or where it gets its start
But the happiness it brings you
always gives a special lift
Any you realize that friendship
Is God’s most perfect gift.

This is my playmate Ethan

People ask if we are twins.

Our Moms think we love each other...

And our friendship is where our story begins!

Kellan and Ethan

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

At least I'm good at Wii bowling...

For Labor Day our family headed over to my sister Amy's in Ohio for a day of food, fun, and some sweaty kickball competition. After, we drove down to Jeremy's parents house to finally meet little baby Aiden. All and all it was a pretty good day of fun. Tuesday morning was rough.

Things I did: Kicked Steve's rear end in Wii bowling, 3-0

Things Steve did: whooped me in kick ball, dive bombing my every kick just to take me down

Things Kellan did: Crossed the street about 100 times, indecisive of where to be entertained.
Cried for G.G. to make her sweat a little. It keeps her on her toes.
Hid Mommy's cell phone in the depths of her cousin Mena's closet. Thanks honey.

"Team Phil"

The rockin' "Team Amy"!