Oh... Colin Douglas.... where do I start!?!? Your first month has been full of up and downs with you child. My sweet little baby boy has suffered so from acid reflux and has made his little life kind of rough lately. Between his crying jags, Kellan's indefinite need for attention, toddler tantrums, trying to keep up a house, and keeping up organization Mom has had no time to think. Or shave her legs. Ew.
He has the best Sissy ever. Kellan always makes sure to stay alert on binky duty if he starts to cry and never leaves the doctor alone with him. You never know what she might do if you turn your back on her.... She also is very in tune with his "burting". Babies always need to "burt" when they are done eating. You do so by smackin' their back. Just in case you were wondering....
As of today he is now 9 pounds and 9.5 ounces and 22 and something inches long (up from his 7 pounds 9 ounces and 21 inches at birth. So I forgot his exact length today. Sue me.)
Now that he's on medication for his reflux he finally seems a little happier. I got to see him smile for the first time this week! It's those moments that get you through the crying, screaming, puking, pooping, wetting through outfits onto your skin, barely gives you time to shower let alone put on make up, sour milk smelling times that sometimes make you a little worn thin. I know I only have two, but when one is miserable it isn't as easy as you think. Adult time? Forget it. Alone time? You can really throw that out the door! Plucking your eyebrows? I may be making a new fashion statement, BUT.....
I love my little guy so much. I am truly in love with this little booger.
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