Thursday, July 1, 2010

"....And Mio Is The Place, Yo!"

Last week my sister Emily and I headed up to our family's cabin in podunk Mio, Michigan to have some getaway fun with our kids. Let me tell you what... you CAN have fun with 3 adults, 5 children and 2 dogs in a one bedroom, one bathroom cinder block cabin by the river! Other than becoming mildly obsessed with the card game Skip-Bo (which is a whole other topic of conversation due to it's intense mental and strategical thought when playing with my brother-in-law Ron), I came back more relaxed then when I left. I'd say that's a winning outcome, right? Score. Here are some photographic highlights:

P.S. I would TOTALLY post the AWESOME picture I captured of all the kids jammed into the one stall shower all naked and soapy, but I am not one for "soap on a rope". If you see me, I'll be glad to show you in person. But I will put pretty stickers over winkies first....

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