Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just Another Milestone to Scratch Off the List...

I've known my son had wings sticking out the sides of his head for some time now. I've had them pointed out to me more times than I can count. "Gee, thanks, I see him every day and never noticed", right? I knew he needed a haircut, I just didn't want it to be this soon. But with his first birthday pictures coming up and a wedding to attend this weekend, I gave in and finally took him. 

My heart sank the moment he was finished. He did an excellent job holding still all by himself. He smiled continuously through the whole ordeal. I wasn't worried one bit that he'd cry and scream. But when I saw him for the first time with his "big boy" haircut I was taken off guard. He seemed to have grown in those five minutes he sat in that chair. He looks so darn handsome. He melted my heart before and somehow he melts it even more now. 

Just another milestone to scratch off the list....

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