Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Happy Half-Birthday to Yoooooooooooooou!"

"Wait, half birthday?!?!?" Yes, half birthday. The kid was born Christmas morning, give me a break.

So for Kellan's half birthday (yes, half birthday, get over it), we took her to one of those indoor bounce parks for the first time. At first I felt like I was torturing my child by shoving her into the little tiny openings into the moon walk thingys. (Yes, thingys. I made it up for a lack of a better definition. Get over that too.) Once she realized that it didn't hurt to face plant, she loved it.

After Bounce-a-lot, we took her out to eat to Pizza Hut (we're all class here). All and all it was a cute afternoon. I like bonding with my doodlebug.

P.S. Wear long pants and shirts to avoid vinyl burn.

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