I'm soooooooooooooooo excited! And I just can't hide it!!!
Yesterday my daughter finally went on the potty. Needless to say this was after she took her diaper off and ran buck naked through the house, the climbed atop my bed to jump and peed on my comforter. As soon as I could I grabbed her and brought her into the bathroom where I was cutting Steve's hair. I thought for sure we were safe. NOT. She started peeing down her leg in there too. I grabbed that stinker and put her on the potty. Somehow she managed to squeeze out a little more, just enough to make her potty sing.
What a joyous moment. The moment she heard the song she knew she had done something great. I ran over to cover her in kisses and congratulate her on being such a big girl. I was so proud. Finally! I had put her on her potty many times before with no luck, so I gave up. And, to be honest, I'm getting really tired of having to tape down her diaper or deal with catching a quick glance of a naked bum going by and having to chase it down.
On to bigger news. This morning I was trying to get some piles of stuff uncluttered in the house. I was looking through a laundry basket of random clean junk, wondering what the hell to do with it. All of a sudden I hear the potty and remembered I forgot to close the bathroom door. WHAT NOW... Kellan loves to sneak in there when she can and teepee the entire bathroom and take her potty apart to set off the sensor manually to make it sing. Great, another mess.
I WAS WRONG. Kellan had taken off her diaper all by herself and was sittin' there peeing. I went nuts. I was shrill with delight that I had underestimated my child. I was happy that I was proved wrong and looked like a big jerk for telling everyone she wasn't ready. Even funnier is that Kellan wasn't fazed by this. She acted like an old pro that couldn't figure out what the big fuss was for. I was just waiting for her to tell me to get out and shut the door behind me.
My daughter is a BIG girl, and damn am I proud!
P.S. I'd post pictures, but I don't want to go to jail.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Ok Ladies,
We are one away property from winning some money in the following colors: Light blue (Vermont Ave), Red (Kentucky Ave.), Railroads (Short Line), Yellow (Ventnor Ave.) and Green (Pennsylvania Ave.)
Of course we could use Boardwalk too!
Happy eating!
We are one away property from winning some money in the following colors: Light blue (Vermont Ave), Red (Kentucky Ave.), Railroads (Short Line), Yellow (Ventnor Ave.) and Green (Pennsylvania Ave.)
Of course we could use Boardwalk too!
Happy eating!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
I've gone insane.

I'm going to be a half-millionaire.

Last week, during my scrap-a-thon, my sister Amy and I happened to get onto the subject of McDonalds' Monopoly game pieces and how we both had a couple. From there the simple conversation grew into how to work the McDonalds system and win tones of cash. We figured if a bunch of people contribute their game pieces to one united board, we have higher chances of winning, and even higher chances of dying from high cholesterol. Worth it. So... point being: If you save your Monopoly pieces and add them to the pot, you become an equal winner. It doesn't matter if your game pieces had anything to do with the actual winning, if you helped then you're in. Pieces must be in by November 3rd.
Eat on.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
What a beautiful afternoon for a festival
After a full, fulfilling morning of bargain shopping, Steve and I packed up Kellan and headed to our city's "Scarecrow Fest" for an afternoon of fun and entertainment. This is the first year we have ever participated and I'm pleased we did. Kellan had the opportunity to ride a pony for the first time, and Mom was over the moon. My little princess liked it!!! Next step, lessons. Then on to the ultimate purchase, a unicorn. Oh, I mean gray dappled, part draft horse and part thoroughbred, 16 hands high beauty (we're still trying to get Daddy on that band wagon).
What ended up striking Kellan's fancy the most was the good ol' carousel and the giantic slide. Unfortunately, the pictures below don't justify the height of this beast. Just taking Kellan up to the top made me weak the stomach. By the time I reached the bottom I did see that it was fun, but I shook a little in the knees. How I chose this over the idea of my daughter on a terrifying ferris wheel I don't know. Yeah, that's right... ferris wheels are evil. Surprisingly, she LOVED it. She cracked up all the way down with a HUGE smile on her face. Aw, Mommy's little dare devil. Crap.
What ended up striking Kellan's fancy the most was the good ol' carousel and the giantic slide. Unfortunately, the pictures below don't justify the height of this beast. Just taking Kellan up to the top made me weak the stomach. By the time I reached the bottom I did see that it was fun, but I shook a little in the knees. How I chose this over the idea of my daughter on a terrifying ferris wheel I don't know. Yeah, that's right... ferris wheels are evil. Surprisingly, she LOVED it. She cracked up all the way down with a HUGE smile on her face. Aw, Mommy's little dare devil. Crap.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Blaire Witch Project Ain't Got Nothing On This Cutie!
Disclaimer: May cause dizziness and nausea.
Tag, you're it!

This isn't going to be easy. I'm not really one to hide the small things and I'm not sure I even know 7 people on blogspot. I barely even use the darn thing! Oh well, I'll send it to those I can...
Hmm... 7 random facts...
1. I never wanted children of my own growing up. I always wanted to just adopt. Now that I have my daughter, I'd like another. I still want to adopt.
2. On that topic, I always wanted two boys, one of which I wanted to name Kellen. When I became pregnant, Steve and I fought over a girl's name. He wanted Kellan for a girl. Come to find out he dated a Kellin. I remember her vividly. She's the skank that looked right though me the one time I met her. Thank goodness I didn't give her a seconds thought after. I had a girl and her name is Kellan.
3. Some women tease that they need chocolate to make their day better. Chocolate really does make my day better. It makes me sane at the end of the day. I can almost feel it instantly lowering my blood pressure.
4. I can't stand Alec Baldwin. Ever since Riley brought home the real life version of Thomas the Train I want to punch him. It's an instant hot spot. His voice gives me the chills. His face makes me gag. I can't stand anything about him. I think by now everyone knows that though.
5. I am phobic of dish soap. Yes, you read that right. I fear Palmolive.
6. I am addicted to garage saling and second hand stores. It's an adrenaline rush.
7. Last one!!!!!! Whew, this is brutal. Oh here's one. Again, everyone knows this but whatever. I'm an open person. I'll tell you how it is. Anyway... here it goes. I LOVE Julia Roberts movies. I watched Steel Magnolias at least twice a day as a child. I'm talking toddler years. It's still my favorite movie. My other favorite is Pretty Woman. When it first came out I BEGGED my mom to see it. Of course she said no and I had to wait until years later. Now, every time it's on TBS I have to watch it all the way through. I get very upset if Steve tries to change the channel, even on commercial. I make him watch it with me. I still don't know if he's seen it all the way through. Maybe I should just rent it for him tonight... He'll love it. Nothing screams sexy like a movie about a hooker.
TAG! You're it! (I'd name people but everyone already got it. )

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