Saturday, October 4, 2008

What a beautiful afternoon for a festival

After a full, fulfilling morning of bargain shopping, Steve and I packed up Kellan and headed to our city's "Scarecrow Fest" for an afternoon of fun and entertainment. This is the first year we have ever participated and I'm pleased we did. Kellan had the opportunity to ride a pony for the first time, and Mom was over the moon. My little princess liked it!!! Next step, lessons. Then on to the ultimate purchase, a unicorn. Oh, I mean gray dappled, part draft horse and part thoroughbred, 16 hands high beauty (we're still trying to get Daddy on that band wagon).

What ended up striking Kellan's fancy the most was the good ol' carousel and the giantic slide. Unfortunately, the pictures below don't justify the height of this beast. Just taking Kellan up to the top made me weak the stomach. By the time I reached the bottom I did see that it was fun, but I shook a little in the knees. How I chose this over the idea of my daughter on a terrifying ferris wheel I don't know. Yeah, that's right... ferris wheels are evil. Surprisingly, she LOVED it. She cracked up all the way down with a HUGE smile on her face. Aw, Mommy's little dare devil. Crap.

Shopping for her second birthday present... I mean riding a pony.

Second run on the carousel with Daddy

Here is a picture to justify the slide. Oh, you can't tell who's in it? That's because they are high in the sky. I think I touched a cloud.

1 comment:

Jana & Jim said...

i can't wait to go looks like a blast. also let me know when kellen gets her