Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy 10 weeks Baby!!

Hooooooooooray! I got to see Baby Knapp #2 today! I am so excited. Not only is it alive and kickin' (more like wiggling like a worm), but it's healthy as a horse too!

For all of you that hadn't been told (because, of course, it was upsetting) we went in to the doctor last week and didn't find a heartbeat. I don't know about the rest of you, but no matter how hard I tried to rationalize with myself that it's still early, I just couldn't get over it. On Wednesday we received our results back from my blood test and that came out better than expected. So, for Christmas I was left teetering between being happy that I was still pregnant and worried that my baby was growing somewhere behind my left thigh. I was scheduled an ultrasound to look further into it.

180 beats. 3 centimeters long. 10 weeks to the day. Hopefully coming around the 27th of July. And it looks like a molar tooth. :)

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