Friday, February 27, 2009

Hi Baby! Mommy loves you!!!

Yesterday Steve and I saw the OB specialist and I can happily report that all looks well! It was amazing to see Colin with such a powerful ultrasound. I was so fascinated that I couldn't keep my eyes off the little TV. They checked all the markers over and didn't see anything that pointed toward Down Syndrome. (They checked his nasal bone, brain cavities, the thickness of the skin behind the neck, fingers, heart, and kidneys). Since we opted out of an amnio, we only have an 80% reassurance that he'll be fine, but that's more than enough for me. At this point we've done all the safe things we can do and that's that. I can't wait to scan the ultrasound photos tonight to post. The tech got some more great pictures. He has my father's family's big feet like his big sister :). He likes to grab at his toes and play with his feet like Kellan does too, still to this day. Oh, and he's a huge thumb sucker!!

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